Friday 20 May 2016

I love the principled consistency the Southeast has shown regarding Buhari

When Buhari ran with the very inimitable Chuba Wilberforce Okadigbo, we rejected the ticket and voted for an Obasanjo/
Atiku ticket, notwithstanding that the latter ticket had no Igbo on it. He ran with Ume-Ezeoke, and we similarly rejected the ticket and opted for Obasanjo/Atiku.
When again he ran in 2007, we preferred the liberal, de-tribalised and very humane Umaru Yar’ Adua, a Fulani from Katsina. It’s obvious then that it’s not a matter of tribe, and that the Igbo don’t have any explanations to make on the issue of tribalism, vis a vis Muhammad Buhari.
Those who have explanations to make are those who rejected him in 2003, 2007 and 2011, but suddenly accepted him in 2015, and that should naturally exclude the Southeast and even the North.

It’s the southwest that presently labours under the weight of its own contradictions, and no amount of invented sophistry can wash this away.
Buhari resonates with an austere and very dehydrated form of ethnocentrism, and is an unabashed champion of Fulani triumphalism. These traits agitate and rankle the Igbo psyche!
By Kenneth Ikonne

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