Friday 19 September 2014

Boko Haram's new strategy exposed!

An organization in the United Kingdom (UK) has revealed why the Boko Haram terror group suddenly changed 

strategy from just killing and moving on to occupying  captured territories and declaring them strongholds.The 

Islamist sect’s latest strategy was made possible through an alliance with the dreaded multinational terror group, 

Islamic State for Iraq and Syria (ISIS)and Al-Shabab.A report said it was the outcome of the meeting that made 

Boko Haram commenced the new strategy of overrunning places and declaring them territorial conquest 

enclaves, a system that was alien to the group until recently.

Prior to that meeting that led to the change, Boko Haram had only attacked, killed, maimed and moved on. But 

the alliance with the other terror groups educated it on the need to hold on to territories as conquest enclaves as 

that would further make it difficult to be repelled.Facts of the revelation were like a confirmation that Boko 

Haram actually has links with other Islamic terror groups in other parts of the world.Economist and presenter 

Martin Summers, in an online publication in the UK, gave details of a secret strategy meeting  that recently took 

place during the lesser hajj in Saudi Arabia between senior representatives from Boko Haram, Al Qaeda in the 

Maghreb and Islamic State and Al-Shabab.Summers, in the revelation, specified certain shocking details about 

the meeting, including the fact that the terrorists were agreeing to strategize as a united front – rather than as 

disparate groups. The meeting took place under cover of the holy pilgrimage to Mecca and the Saudi authorities 

were apparently unaware of it.“Amongst decisions taken were for Boko Haram to switch strategy from simply 

launching terrorist attacks to holding territory and declaring a caliphate, which crosses the Nigerian and 

Cameroonian borders.These explosive revelations align closely with the speech given by President Barak Obama 

in the United States (US), last week where he made reference to the growing links among terrorist organizations 

around the world and the need to take action. The UK reports seems to have uncovered one specific reason for 

Obama’s concern.Summers, who has a reputation for breaking big stories ahead of the mainstream media, 

suggested that American Secretary of State “Senator Kerry’s recent visit to Saudi Arabia may also have been 

linked to the terrorist strategy meeting in some way. He also stated that he believes the leaked information 

relating to the terrorists’ meeting emanated from the UK Secret Services; to draw attention to the involvement of 

Boko Haram in this growing international terrorist crisis and to force international action on the issue.“These 

revelations followed recent accusations by the Australian negotiator hired by the Federal Government, Dr. 

Stephen Davis, who has alleged ‘sponsorship’ of Boko Haram by senior northern Nigerian politicians as well as 

the flow of Al Qaeda money through the Central Bank of Nigeria.“What seems certain from these further 

revelations is that the ongoing war against Boko Haram by Nigeria is part of a much wider battle against 

international terrorism, and not simply a local issue,” Summers reported.The revelation was a major “uncovering 

of a growing international concern regarding the alignment of international terrorist groups and the involvement 

of renegade political elements within Nigeria with this terrorist network,” it noted.

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