Wednesday 8 June 2016

Donald Trump: I welcome Bernie Sanders supporters with open arms

Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican party nominee has told Bernie Sanders' fans that he'll welcome them with open arms.

Billionaire businessman Trump, buoyed by a victory in New Jersey and a well-written script, Mr Trump appeared confident he could woo Bernie Sanders supporters by focusing on the “rigged” political system and lambasting Hillary Clinton’s ‘hedge fund business'

Trump, cleverly delivered his message on the same evening of the final democratic state primaries, when Mr Sanders lagged behind Ms Clinton in the New Jersey primary.

“For all those Bernie Sanders supporters who have been left out in the cold by a rigged system of super delegates, we welcome you with open arms,” he said from his golf course resort in Westchester, New York.

“It’s not about Democrat or Republican, it's about who runs this country, the special interests for the people, and I mean the American people.“

“Every year they [politicians] fail to deliver. Why would politicians want to change a system that’s totally rigged to keep them in power? Why would they want to change a system that’s made them and their friends very wealthy?"

“There’s one thing we have learned,” Mr Trump continued. “We can’t solve our problems by counting on the politicians who created our problems.”

“The Clintons made hundreds of billions selling access, selling favors, selling government contracts,” he said. “And she did all that work on a totally illegal private server.“

“She turned the state department into her private hedge fund department,” he added.

“I didn’t need to do it [to run for president]; it’s not easy, believe me. But I felt I had to give back to my wonderful country which has been so wonderful to me and my family."

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