Friday 3 October 2014

Fresh Facts Emerge Over First Ebola Case In US

Fresh facts have emerged in the case of the first person to be diagnosed with the deadly Ebola virus in the U.S. as officials of the United Airlines yesterday confirmed that he flew into Dallas on a pair of the airlines flights on the 20th September, 2014.The airline said the Ebola-stricken passenger who was diagnosed with Ebola after traveling from Liberia to the U.S. traveled on its Flight 951 from Brussels to Washington’s Dulles International Airport and then connected to its Flight 822 to Dallas.

It would be recalled that U.S. officials had previously declined to unveil which airline the Ebola patient had traveled on, but United Airline officials yesterday said that he took two flights on one of their airplanes on September 20.“The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has informed us that the patient said he flew part of his trip on United Airline. However, without consent, we cannot divulge a traveler’s identity,” the company said in a statement a copy which was obtained by our correspondent.CDC officials have said that there is no risk of catching the Ebola virus from passengers who shared commercial airline flights with the first confirmed U.S. patient. United Airline in its statement also said it agreed with the agency’s declaration.The statement reads in parts: “The director of the CDC has stated there is ‘zero risk of transmission’ on any flight on which the patient flew because he was not symptomatic until several days after his trip and could not have been contagious on the dates he traveled.“While the CDC states it is unnecessary for it or the airline to contact others who were on the patient’s flights, United Airline is providing information about the flights United believes the patient took, based on information provided by the CDC

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